Supporting Your Health Beyond NHS Care

Sometimes, you might need a letter, report, or medical service that falls outside of what’s usually covered by the NHS. We understand, and we’re here to provide those extra services in a way that’s affordable and clear to understand.

What We Offer

  • Accessing Your Records: We never charge for providing you with your medical records, blood test results, or a summary of your immunizations, medications, or health conditions.
  • Simple Certificates and Statements: If you need a short confirmation of something, like your registration with our practice or your address, we can provide that quickly. There might be a small fee associated with these straightforward services.
  • Detailed Reports or Insurance Forms: For lengthier reports, insurance forms, or specialized requests (like travel fitness), we’ve set fair fees to carefully prepare these documents for you.
  • Medical Examinations: If you need a medical exam for taxi/HGV licensing, fostering, or other official purposes, we offer those services at a set price.
  • Vaccinations: Some vaccinations aren’t covered by the NHS, but we offer them (like Hepatitis B) at an affordable cost.

Please Note

  • These prices can sometimes change, so always check with us for the most up-to-date fees.
  • We try our best to get your letter or report to you quickly, but urgent requests might have an additional fee.
  • NHS patient needs will always be our top priority.

We’re Here to Help

Getting the health services you need shouldn’t be difficult. If you’re not sure whether something is covered by the NHS or would fall under these additional services, please contact us! We’ll guide you through it.

It’s important to us that you feel informed and supported in all aspects of your healthcare.