Private Work Policy for Limelight Health and Well-being Hub

Private Work Policy

Ensuring Efficient and Effective Private Work Services

Limelight Health and Well-being Hub is committed to providing high-quality healthcare services to our patients. Private work requests are an additional service that we offer at our discretion, because  we aim to ensure that this does not interfere with our primary responsibility of providing NHS services.

This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines that we follow for all private work requests.

The following private work requests are covered under this policy:

  • Solicitor’s reports
  • Fostering reports

Taxi / HGV medicals

  • Private insurance reports
  • Official government service reports (e.g. DVLA, DWP, etc.)
  • To Whom It May Concern (TWIMC) letters

The practice does not accept cash or cheque payments. An invoice will be raised and shared with you by email within 2 working days of the private work request being received/

Payments can be made via bank transfer to the business account listed on the invoice. Please ensure you use the reference number of your invoice as a reference for the payment, rather than your name or any other identifiers, to avoid delays with matching your payment to your request.

Payment for private, non-NHS work received from patients or any other services needs to be made in advance of the reports being prepared. This is to ensure that practice resources are used efficiently; requests will not be seen by the GPs for the work to be completed until payment is received.

The fees paid for non-NHS work are non-refundable; the payments are made to cover the practice staff’s time in preparing and issuing the reports, not the content of the reports. We will also not issue refunds if the patient fails to attend a scheduled private health check appointment, where applicable.

Private work requests will be processed within the relevant timescales after payment being received. For complex cases, the processing time may be longer, and we will inform patients accordingly.

Non-NHS Letter Cost Plus Fees

Call to Action (CTA):

At Limelight Health and Well-being Hub, we are committed to providing efficient and effective private work services. If you require any of the services outlined above, please fill in this form and either:

Alternatively, you can attend the practice to be given a paper copy of this form to complete.


We understand that private work requests can be stressful and time-consuming for patients. Our Private Work Policy is designed to ensure that we provide timely and efficient private work services to our patients while minimizing any potential disruption to our NHS services. We are committed to providing transparent and reliable private work services for all our patients.