Complaints Process for Limelight Health & Well-being Hub

Your Feedback Matters to Us

At Limelight Health & Well-being Hub, we strive to provide the best possible care and service to our patients. We understand, however, that sometimes things can go wrong, and you may have concerns or complaints about the care you have received. We take all complaints seriously and are committed to resolving them in a transparent, fair, and timely manner.

Definition of a Complaint:

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about an act, omission, or decision of the practice team at Limelight Health & Well-being Hub which requires a response. We treat all complaints seriously and ensure that they are investigated in an unbiased, non-judgmental, transparent, and appropriate manner.

Good Practice Standards:

We follow the ‘Good Practice Standards’ for all complaints which include:

  • Openness & Transparency: We provide accessible information and processes, ensuring they are understood by all involved in a complaint.
  • Evidence-based Complainant-led Investigations & Responses: We provide a consistent approach to the management/investigation of complaints.
  • Logical and Rational Approach: We respond to complaints and concerns in appropriate timeframes, showing sympathy and providing a level of detail appropriate to the seriousness of the complaint.
  • Identifying the causes of complaints and taking necessary action to prevent recurrences.
  • Effective and Implemented Learning: We use ‘lessons learnt’ as a driver for continuous change and improvement, as acting on complaints is a tool in ensuring the good reputation of our practice.
  • Acknowledging and Investigating Complaints: Patients will have their complaints acknowledged and thoroughly investigated, always confirming the manner in which the complaint is to be handled and informing of the period in which the complaint response is likely to be sent.

Timescales for Making a Complaint:

Complaints must be made not later than

  • 12 months after the date on which the matter which is the subject of the complaint occurred; or
  • 12 months after the date on which the matter which is the subject of the complaint came to the notice of the complainant.

Complaints Process:

  • All complaints should be acknowledged no later than three working days after the day the complaint was received.
  • We will always confirm the following with the complainant:
    • Who is handling the complaint.
    • The timescales for responding, which are a minimum of 10 working days and no longer than 20 working days after a complaint has been submitted.
    • Clarify the expectations with and desired outcome for the complainant, if unclear in the original complaint.
  • If the complaint has been made verbally, the complainant will be asked to submit their complaint in writing. They can do this either by email to our dedicated inbox on, or through the paper form, and they should be kept up to date with the progress of their complaint.
  • If a case has passed the 20 working-day target (or the timescale agreed with the complainant if different), the complainant (and their advocate, if relevant) should receive an update every 10 working days thereafter the target has been surpassed. This should be done in writing, in the format previously agreed with the complainant.
  • The complainant can expect to receive a quality response which addresses all separate points of the complaint, with assurance that action has been taken to prevent a recurrence, and informed of any learning for the practice, where their complaint has been upheld.

Call to Action:

If you have a complaint or concern about the care or service you have received at Limelight Health & Well-being Hub, we encourage you to provide us with your feedback by emailing us on We value your comments and take them seriously. Please contact us via email as above or come into reception to fill out our paper complaints form, and we will respond to you within the agreed timescales.


At Limelight Health & Well-being Hub, we are committed to providing high-quality care and service to our patients. We believe that listening to your feedback and responding to your concerns is an essential part of delivering excellent care. We hope that our Complaints Process page has provided you with all the information you need to make a complaint or raise a concern. If you have any wider feedback about the practice or have further questions about our complaints process, please do not hesitate to contact us by email on