We’ve changed our name
Brooks Bar Medical Centre is now Limelight Health and Well-being Hub
Brief history
In 2018 our GP surgery, known then as Brooks Bar Medical Centre, and its team moved from an old building located on Chorlton Road to a new location on St Brides Way off Shrewsbury Street. The new location sits on the first floor of a purpose-built community centre called Limelight.
We’ve now changed our name to Limelight Health and Well-being Hub, also known as the Limelight surgery for short. This reflects our new location and our ambition to extend this great space to the community, by inviting other community services the opportunity to share this space for the convenience of our patient and the community as a whole.
Keeping up the tradition
It’s a tradition for NHS GP practices to be registered under there contract holders name, in our case that’s Dr Louise Nzinga Grant, but also more commonly the location name is used to identify the practice to the community, we’re keeping with that tradition by using the location name of Limelight.
People can find out more about the name change by visiting our website or by asking a member of the receptionist team.